Most glacier research is conducted from the surface—from the top down. Our team studies glaciers from beneath the ice—from the inside out.
The first two years, Glacier Cave Explorers founders, Brent and Eddy, paid out-of-pocket for these expeditions. Over time, Glacier Cave Explorers and the Oregon High Desert Grotto have developed relationships resulting in much-needed grants from the National Geographic Society, Mazamas, Mountain Rescue Association (MRA), National Speleological Society (NSS), Petzl, and more. And generous sponsors have provided us discounts and donations.
However, as our projects have grown, so have our costs. PLEASE join our past and present supporters by contributing to our scientific adventures.
We need your help.
Your contributions go into one big 'bucket' for all of our projects, along with any additional funds we receive from grants.
Our projects are ongoing scientific studies. Any funds not used in 2016-17 will roll into the next expedition or season.
Once purchased, much of the equipment can be re-used. We rely on personal gear as well as equipment already in our Glacier Cave Explorers cache. Some equipment is more cost-effective to rent than buy, and some is perishable or stays in caves.
Because of the extreme conditions, we also damage and lose gear - which means we often incur unexpected repair and replacement costs. Our cost per item can also change if we receive gracious donations or discounts from vendors.
Here's a breakdown of our current needs:
Science and Research Gear/Expenses:
Anemometer in Pure Imagination Cave on Sandy Glacier, Mt Hood (left); Rainier Lead Surveyor Dave Riggs entering data in PDA for upload into mapping program
Data Loggers (humidity and temp) $470 (x 20) =$9,400
Data Loggers (temperature only) $360 (x 20) =$7,000
Disto survey instrument $650
Water level data loggers $400 (x 2) =$800
Ice corer $7,900
Airfare for German Scientists $1,700 (x4) =$6,800
Lab Analysis $10,000
Anemometers $4,200 (x2) =$8,400
Shipping of anemometers $100 (x4) =$400
Food, Fuel and Shelter (getting there and living there):
Hilleberg tents at base camp on Mt Rainier withstood 80 mph winds at 14,000-ft elevation. Dr. Woody Peeples battles the elements.
Food per expedition $800 (x 3) =$2,400
Fuel and cooking $100 (x 3) =$300
Sanitation (field toilets, etc.) $20 (x 2) =$40
Tent - Hilleberg purchase $1,600
Tent - Mountain hardware rental (2) 10-person $1,500
Battery recharging and power $1,288 (x 2) =$2,567
Safety, Medical and Rescue Gear:
Mt St Helens: Dave Clark and Rescue Leader Iain Morris rig the rope system to lower Eddy into the Godzilla Hole (left). Hazmat specialist Dave Clark and Iain Morris show how to use breathing apparatus.
Volcanic gas monitors (rental) $275 (x 3) =$825
Gamow bag rental (10 days) $350
Altitude medications $350
Miscellaneous meds and trauma kit $200 (x3) =$600
Carbon fiber Oxygen cylinders $450 (x 2) =$900
SCBA Breathing Apparatus rental $700 (x 5) =$3,500
Rigging gear and ropes $500
Helicopter per expedition $10,000 (x 2) =$20,000
The smallest donation helps. We know we can count on you to make this happen. Thank you so much!